ADP Launches TotalSource HR Outsourcing Solution for Small Businesses in Oklahoma
OKLAHOMA CITY and ROSELAND, N.J., Oct. 25, 2011 – As small business owners grapple with the challenge of evolving regulatory compliance and health care reform requirements, ADP®, a leading provider of human resource outsourcing, payroll services, tax and compliance services, benefits administration and integrated computing solutions for vehicle dealers, today announced the launch of its TotalSourcesm solution for small businesses in Oklahoma, including Oklahoma City and Tulsa metro areas. ADP TotalSource simplifies human resource management for small- to mid-sized businesses with an integrated service offering that incorporates payroll services, benefits administration, risk management, tax and compliance functions.
ADP TotalSource helps mitigate risk for small- to mid-sized businesses by serving as a Professional Employer Organization (PEO). PEOs provide integrated services through a co-employment model where the client company continues to direct employees’ day-to-day, job-related duties, while the PEO contractually assumes certain HR-related rights, responsibilities and risks and becomes the “employer of record” on an employee’s W-2.
“Small business owners can easily become overwhelmed as they struggle to comply with the complexities of human resource management—especially recognizing that 45 percent of employers undergo a state or federal audit at least once a year,” said Dave Imbrogno, ADP TotalSource’s senior vice president of service and operations. “Ideally, owners that focus on servicing clients, developing employees and growing their business are best equipped to keep ahead of the competition, especially in this challenging economy. Engaging a PEO is an attractive and compelling solution that helps business owners minimize risk while maintaining a competitive edge,” Imbrogno added.
More than 97 percent of businesses in Oklahoma are small firms, notes Imbrogno. Moreover, citing the findings of research just published by ADP TotalSource and conducted by the ADP Research Institute, a specialized group within ADP, entitled “Relieving the Pressure: The PEO Approach to Navigating Compliance and Gaining a Competitive Advantage,” Imbrogno said, “Our new research shows that more than half of today’s companies surveyed lack confidence in their ability to keep pace with complex, ever-changing HR regulations. The majority of companies surveyed believe the HR compliance burden will only grow more difficult with time. We are confident ADP TotalSource will bring tremendous value to area businesses,” he adds.
“Universal Field Services found a partner in ADP TotalSource with whom we could consult on increasingly complex human resource issues, helping to ensure we make decisions that are in the best interests of both our employees and our company as a whole,” said Gene A. Land, CEO of Tulsa-based Universal Field Services, Inc. “In addition, with ADP TotalSource we have also been able to better manage our health insurance costs, which were spiraling out of control,” Land added.
To download a complimentary copy of the ADP TotalSource white paper, “Relieving the Pressure: The PEO Approach to Navigating Compliance and Gaining a Competitive Advantage,” please click here. Additionally, ADP recently hosted a webinar to provide practical information on how businesses can plan and prepare for new regulations that are either in place, or being considered by federal agencies. The free webcast is available for download here.
A part of ADP’s Employer Services Division, ADP TotalSource is the nation’s largest PEO, operating more than 50 offices in 24 states, and serving more than 8,600 client companies with more than 230,000 worksite employees. Businesses taking advantage of ADP’s PEO services are assigned an experienced TotalSource Human Resource Business Partner who leads a team of experts drawn from human resource management, employee benefits, payroll services, risk management and regulatory compliance.
For further information visit ADP.
Artikel vom 02.11.2011
Schlagwörter: Compliance, HR-Outsourcing, Human Resources
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