Online Business Software Selection

SoftSelect is your partner to ensure the correct choice for Business Software

Use our matching platform to create your specifications and compare them with over 1036 vendor profiles and their IT solutions. Professional, qualified software selection at the press of a button!

SoftSelect hilft Ihnen, Software passend zu Ihren spezifischen Anforderungen zu finden!

Using our matching platform you can select criteria individually and weight them according to your wishes via the respective slider. Additionally, you can determine KO criteria by ticking the checkbox next to your selection. After clicking on the 'Find products' link, you will be presented with a list of business applications that best match the specifications you made!Ihre Resultate können zur einfacheren Auswertung gefiltert werden, um KO-Kriterien entweder ein- oder auszublenden.

Bei weiterem Erklärungsbedarf können Sie weitere Informationen einsehen, indem Sie den Mauszeiger über das -icon platzieren.

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Business Software Beratung

Business Software Beratung

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